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Home Workings - Axapta Dynamics AX/Axapta
Works with Dynamics AX/Axapta Print E-mail
  • analysis and conceptions
  • order processing (vendor)
  • order processing (customer)
  • inventory accounting
  • in and outgoing documents with EDIFACT/EDI (delivery notes / invoices / orders / price catalogue / fulfillment confirmation / inventory etc.)
  • settlements of all sales including the settlements reports as well as the corresponding order/purch processing for the billing.
  • financial accounting / Helpdesk
  • asset accounting
  • support for the development of a workflow for the incomming electronic invoices / scanning
  • development of tools to automatize the reports processing (header/logo) as well as dynamic setup's of the reports while processing.
  • frameworks to normalize, simplífy and testing komplex processings including structured class hirachie
  • development
    • table, classes, forms, reports, queries
    • AIF / XML / SSRS
    • Versioncontrolling TFS (Team Foundation Server)
    • Excel / Word - multilingual personalized letters
    • tools for the "fast" display of data in Excel


Patonix GmbH
Thorkild Lund-Jensen
Schwerzimattstrasse 42
8912 Obfelden

Tel.:++41 (0)79 639 98 10
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